“I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
    he delivered me from all my fears.
 Those who look to him are radiant;
    their faces are never covered with shame.” – Psalms 34:4-5


Identity in Jesus

Galatians 3: 26

I am his child. I am his daughter.


Be Bold

As a child of God, his chosen, I hold responsibility in standing firm/not wavering in my faith in him, walking in the authority he has given me, and boldly sharing the Gospel. I have confidence that I am not alone on this journey. He is with me.

Be radiant

I am God’s masterpiece. I find my identity in him. I am beautifully and wonderfully hand crafted by him. He’s designed me to radiate the unique beauty of who he has made and called me to be.


As I come to know who God is and that I am his, I submit to the process of becoming more like him. As he shines his light on me and washes me clean, I get the opportunity through the Holy Spirit to reflect his greatness unto the nations. He gets all the glory.

I am a daughter of Christ.

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